
1. Contributing towards the Indian government's "Mission IT for all" and providing avenue for children, youth and adults in computer literacy and education. And towards this end

  • providing a conducive and creative environment for children from less privileged backgrounds and design initiatives that can develop their physical, mental and intellectual growth and progress of children, thereby engaging in nation building
  • promoting the importance and relevance of computer literacy and IT education among women and youth and providing avenues for education and training.
  • remedial education classes for school children, especially on IT related subjects.
  • providing financial and other assistance to the orphaned, helpless, poor and deserving students without any discrimination of caste and creed, thus freeing them from shackles of child labour and discrimination.


2. Enabling and empowering the marginalised youth through market oriented skill training. And undertaking the following steps in that direction

  • designing and running skill development centres for youth offering training in modern trade oriented course such as IT, retail, banking, media etc.
  • establishing linkages with various stakeholders to grow and extend this initiative to maximum beneficiaries


3. Poverty alleviation & Empowering young women and adolescent girls by

  • promoting and setting up of Self- help groups thus encouraging saving habits, and financial independence among women.
  • providing avenues for literacy and education for women.
  • training women in market oriented trades that can generate self-employment and wage employment opportunity.
  • making available to people the benefits of the various schemes such as “Sarkari bhagidari” scheme that are run by the government.
  • assisting the youth in availing employability schemes.
  • participating in various schemes towards uplifting socially and economically backward sections of the society.
  • promoting and enabling equal opportunity for those who are differently abled.